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The abstract work is divided into the two main series/techniques; Linescapes of imperfection and Complexity. Complexity is pointing towards the chaos and complexity in this world. Linescapes of imperfection is born as out of control issues, perfectionism and fear of failing.

Complexity deals with chaos and complexity. Visualising simple geometrical shapes out of endless amounts of chaotic line-work, as a reminder to raise the gaze out of the chaos of the small narrow chaotic complex world to see the simplicity and ease hidden in the higher perspective. This technique has an intensity and high energy in its crafting process, lines are drawn quickly and randomly with sudden sharp shifts in direction. Quicker lines create the greyer lines when less ink is bled to the paper.


Linescapes of imperfection is born as out of control issues, perfectionism and fear of failing. A set of rules in which there is no failure, whatever happens, is meant to happen, mistakes are exactly what it should be. The mistakes reproduce and expand by the imperfections of my body and my mind. Like fingerprints of me.

Anchor 2

Indian ink on paper 2019 70x100cm (sold)

Do you know this place? The eye of the storm. I think you know it, I think you have visited it. The place of tranquility in the midst of relentless complexity and chaos.⁠

That place which is aware, which is actually never anxious, sad, angry or happy. It's just there. The lookout within from which thoughts and emotions can be seen as separate from our core. ⁠


Origin point 3
Indian ink on paper 2019 70x100cm (sold)

Lines are drawn from the center outwards. Whats at the end of the tunnel?


Indian ink on paper 2020 70x100cm

Contemplating the shortness of life. A line for every day. My whole life is in this drawing up until now and up until my 100th birthday. It all fits on a paper.


Indian ink on paper 2019 70x100cm (sold)

In every single moment we make decisions that somewhat change the course of our life, and every single moment we could make decisions that, for better or worse, drastically alter our life path. Living all these moments of infinite possibilities is truly freedom, which is what I seek the most.


It’s ironic it causes me so much pain, for whatever I choose to do there are better choices, and whatever I choose to do, it will bring me suffering. Although freedom is what I praise the most, I wish to live in simpler times, in a simpler world, where my life path was already drawn.


Indian ink on paper 2019 70x100cm

A celebration of life, birth, the female and the universe. Find visual elements depicting gender, birth, uterus and the female body.


Indian ink on paper 2017 70x100cm

A centered line is drawn, which I follow with lines on every other side with my exhale. Doing my best to follow the preceding line. As my imperfections multiply flowing patterns of different length emerge organically.


Indian ink on paper 2017 70x100cm

The profoundness and fragility of life and its forces.


Indian ink on paper 2017 70x100cm

Be like a mountain; still, rooted, silent, reaching for the stars.


Indian ink on paper 2016 70x100cm

Not perfect. My fear of failure, perfectionism, meditation. A set of rules in which there is no failure, whatever happens, is meant to happen, mistakes are exactly what it should be. The piece grows, the mistakes reproduce and expand by the imperfections of my body and my mind. Like a fingerprint of me.


Indian ink on paper 2016 70x100cm

A spiral is drawn from the center. Follow the preceding line to the best of my ability. As my imperfections multiply flowing patterns emerge organically.


1000 LINES, 1000 CIRCLES
Indian ink on paper 2016 70x100cm

Exploration of repetition, focus, meditation.

Line over line.


Indian ink on paper 2019 100x70cm

Cycles. Love. Birth and death of loved ones and universes. I will feel sorrow and grief, love and happiness. It will come and go. Cycles of life manifest in different times, scales and spaces. Strings vibrate, electrons orbits the nucleus, we sleep, we eat, we are born, we die, we feel joy, we feel sorrow, darkness comes, light comes, seasons come and go, loved ones come and go, the moon comes and goes, the earth orbits the sun, the sun orbits the center of the milky way, galaxies come and go, universes come and go and even time come and go.


Indian ink on paper 2016 100x70cm (sold)

Not perfect. My fear of failure, perfectionism, meditation, breathe you. A set of rules in which there is no failure, whatever happens, is meant to happen, mistakes are exactly what it should be. With each exhale I follow the preceding line to the best of my ability. Exhale and draw, inhale and repeat. The piece grows, the mistakes reproduce and expand by the imperfections of my body and my mind. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Like a fingerprint of me.


Indian ink on paper 2017 100x70cm (sold)

Attraction, detraction, pulling forces, like gravity. So clear, yet so utterly incomprehensible? Ripping me to pieces, what’s keeping me as one? Simplicity and complexity converging into the infinite. The unrelenting divergence of the universe. Hope becomes corrupted into a hegemony of power, leaving only a sense of unreality and unlikelihood.Reminder to myself. Extend perspectives, elevate my view, drop back and see the simple hiding far above the complexity, in the skyscraper of consciousness.

Like a satellite, earth as one.



Mixed media on canvas 2020 210x400cm

Not perfect. My fear of failure, perfectionism, meditation, pain, bodily restrictions. A set of rules in which there is no failure, whatever happens, is meant to happen, mistakes are exactly what it should be. I follow the preceding line to the best of my ability, rise and repeat. The piece grows, the mistakes reproduce and expand by the imperfections of my body and my mind. Like a fingerprint of me.

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